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This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for common concepts and commands related to sysctl in Linux. sysctl is a command-line utility that allows you to view and modify kernel parameters at runtime.

sysctl Concepts

Kernel Parameters

Kernel parameters, also known as sysctl variables, control various aspects of the Linux kernel's behavior.

Viewing Kernel Parameters

Use sysctl to view the current values of kernel parameters.

  • Display the value of a specific kernel parameter:

    sysctl kernel.parameter_name
  • List all kernel parameters and their values:

    sysctl -a
  • Show only parameters in a specific namespace (e.g., net):

    sysctl -a --pattern ^net\.

Modifying Kernel Parameters

You can modify kernel parameters using sysctl, but be cautious as incorrect changes can affect system stability.

  • Set a kernel parameter to a specific value (temporary):

    sysctl -w kernel.parameter_name=new_value
  • To make a change permanent, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add or update parameter values.

Reload Configuration

After editing /etc/sysctl.conf, you can apply the changes without rebooting.

  • Reload the sysctl settings from /etc/sysctl.conf:
    sysctl -p

Security Considerations

Be cautious when modifying kernel parameters, as incorrect changes can impact system stability and security.

  • Avoid setting kernel parameters without understanding their implications.

sysctl Command-Line

  • Display the value of a specific kernel parameter:

    sysctl kernel.parameter_name
  • List all kernel parameters and their values:

    sysctl -a
  • Show only parameters in a specific namespace (e.g., net):

    sysctl -a --pattern ^net\.
  • Set a kernel parameter to a specific value (temporary):

    sysctl -w kernel.parameter_name=new_value
  • Reload the sysctl settings from /etc/sysctl.conf:

    sysctl -p


This cheat sheet covers common concepts and commands for working with sysctl in Linux. sysctl is a powerful tool for configuring kernel parameters at runtime, but it should be used with caution to avoid unintended consequences; refer to the sysctl manual for more in-depth information and advanced usage.